The days are getting lighter and the weather is getting warmer – Spring is on the way! It’s the perfect time to give your bike some TLC and prepare for the riding season ahead…
Instead of lugging out all the buckets and sponges to wash off the storage dust, simply unscrew the lid of the Vulcanet tub and work section-by-section until all the dust and debris has gone; then buff to a high shine using the specially engineered microfibre cloth.

Save time cleaning, and make more time for riding!
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How does it work?
Vulcanet’s waterless wipes work to liquefy the dirt and dust easily thanks to the textile weave which has a spiral shape with bevelled edges that collect the dirt and help to remove the stubborn dirt particles. Once collected by the wipe, the dust is lubricated and trapped in the cilia so it cannot scratch the surface. As well as keeping things clean, the solution provides a protective seal to the material underneath like a traditional polish would.
Vulcanet Cleaning Wipes have an RRP of £36.99 and to locate your nearest dealer, visit or call 01425 478936.

About Vulcanet
After being in development and testing for seven years, Vulcanet officially made its debut at the Geneva Motor Show in March 2008 and in January 2015 arrived in the UK. Vulcanet is the first premium all-in-one wipe that cleans, rejuvenates, polishes and protects all vehicles. Vulcanet can be used anywhere, at home or on the go as no water or sponges are needed, not even a chamois is needed for drying all you need comes in the iconic black and red tube. Simply unscrew the lid and pull out a wipe and work section by section as usual.
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