Jonathan Schofield tells of life with the Adventure Scooter… and his kit!
Well, you may have seen in a previous issue that Ross got to test the Kymco DT360X before I even got a look in. Editor privilege and all that jazz, but I was so happy when I was asked if I would pile the miles on and give you, the amazing reader, a blow-by-blow account of my loves and hates about this semi-off-road capable scoot. The first thing I needed to do was wipe my memory clean of the DTX360’s big brother that I rode a few years ago, the AK550. It was, and is, a different beast altogether… this I need to start from scratch so to speak.

My first look at the DTX was in the storage unit just down the road from MoreBikes HQ. The shutters went up and there in front of me was a raft of sports bikes and touring machines that had me drooling with excitement, and off to one side was the Kymco. A little lacklustre in comparison to all these big bikes waiting to be given a good old thrashing by sister title ‘Fast Bikes’. But then I gave it a well-deserved second look. Its design is bold but not too out there, with sharp angles and striking lines. And straightaway a seat that looked like a double bed waiting to carry me away to comfort town.
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The well-proportioned seating position and feet-forward riding option instantly had me wanting to hit the road and cover some big miles. Oh, and when I did, I was happy, so happy. But first things first: the keyless ignition system. Now, it’s great when you know the three steps to starting it but when you’re an impatient nearly 50-year-old child with a new toy I was not really listening to what I was told. So, the scooter is started for me and I head off to the nearest fuel station to fill up and head out for my first test.
Could I remember the three easy steps to starting the Kymco DT360X? Could I buggery. Did I feel like a grade-one muppet pushing the scooter out of the way of the mother and kids behind me at the pump? Yes, yes, I did. Deep breath and recount the conversation, not 10 minutes previously. Bingo, it dropped into my mind: the safe-cracking steps appeared, and one press, one turn and brake lever in and press again and away we went. Phew.
Time to get on the road… The ride is brilliant. The 360cc single-cylinder motor is punchy off the line, with enough top end to nip past traffic. It has a brilliant exhaust note, and the handling’s quick and responsive. The brakes have a lovely feel and it handles twisty roads better than most scooters it’s size – oh, and it even has a USB charging port in the glovebox.
I think I am going to like this machine. As much as I liked the BMW C350GT (my favourite scooter so far)…? Well, keep on picking up MoreBikes and over the next few months I will tell you how I get on. From how much shopping, to how far on a full tank before it dies and I’m walking.
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If there are any tests you’d like us to do or anything you want to know then get in touch via our Facebook page
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