WARNING: The sound on this video is NOT safe for work (not that our warning will stop you, of course, it’s just that we should warn you. OK?)
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How about this for a dramatic, nerve-raking moment when out doing a bit of gentle ‘Adventure’ riding? Video of two armed security men getting right up in two biker’s day out on bikes and to follow up some shouty, shouty they then pull guns on the pair.

The video has been uploaded to YouTube by Macadventures, a regular poster of riding videos in the USA. In this video though, things take a seriously sour turn when – having ridden up to the edge of the restricted-access land of Area 51 in Nevada – the two biking friends are confronted and searched by the two gun-toting security men.

At the start of the video, the rider filming is pretty cocky even narrating the trip and explaining where they are with the quip: “Hey, cammo dudes, we’re back!” in reference to a trip to the edge of the famous areas the pair had made four months ago, but the cockyness soon evaporates when a 4×4 turns up and the armed guards jump out.
It’s not exactly the sort of reaction you get to a gently meander around the Lake District.
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