Yesterday, we featured our test of the CFMOTO 450MT. If you fancy a spot of budget off-road action, you may also consider one of these:
Royal Enfield Himalayan 411
2016-2023 / £2000-£4500
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The back-to-basics and easy-to manage single from the Indian factory has won legions of fans the world over. It may not be blessed with the same off-road credentials as the MT450, but it’s proven itself a seriously capable mud plugger that will pull through pretty much anything in its own charming, tractor-like, fashion.
Suzuki DR350
1992-1999 / £1500-£2600

This bike’s earned itself an enviable reputation among those in the know, who value its rugged, go-anywhere, do-anything abilities and its remarkable ability to keep going when many other rides would have given up the ghost long ago. You can still find them cheap, too, which is always a bonus. And they are super-simple to work on, even when you’re out on the trails.
Honda XL500S
1979-1984 / £2500-£4000

These are pretty much classic bikes now. Prices have shot up in recent years – and if you want to get your hands on one, you’re going to end up paying a bit of a premium. They are brilliant bits of kit though, with a lovely, tractable motor, easy-going handling, and Honda’s famed bulletproof build quality.
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