

There’s a fresh new look for the world’s biggest motorcycle monthly… and we’re making it even easier for new riders to get on two wheels too.

From this month the new publication MoreBikes combines the very best of Motor Cycle Monthly as well as its sister title On Two Wheels – the paper made specifically for those who want to get into motorcycling, return to it, or stay on smaller capacity machines. Subscribe here.

  • The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Five

    The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Five



    Clear water and mucky kit Day three of riding in Himachel Pradesh was the best so far. We covered a similar distance to previous days, around 125km, but by the end of the ride I felt far less knackered than on previous days. This was thanks to today’s roads being (mostly) recently resurfaced, which made…

  • Campaign to help fight COVID-19 in Africa

    Campaign to help fight COVID-19 in Africa



    As the global crisis deepens, Two Wheels for Life and Dorna Sports have come together to launch a campaign to raise £50,000 to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa. Given how badly the disease has hit affluent countries with highly developed healthcare sectors, the consequences could be devastating for the world’s poorest continent. Here’s what…

  • The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Four

    The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Four



    Alpine apples Waking up in a palace puts you in a good mood right from the start, I find. So does watching wild monkeys play just outside your window. The second day of riding started with good omens and lots of chai. From Chail we headed towards Narkanda, which sits slightly higher in the mountain…

  • Brembo donates €1 million to fight coronavirus

    Brembo donates €1 million to fight coronavirus



    The impact of this crisis has been felt across the world, and across all industries. Motorcycling is no different. That’s why several companies have taken an active role in fighting back. One of them is Brembo. And they have put a good chunk of money into this… Brembo is continuing to provide support for research…

  • The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Three

    The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Three



    Hey, ho, let’s go! The morning in Chandigarh was what we had all been waiting for – this was the start of the seven days of riding in Himachal Pradesh. The weather looked nice and sunny, but it was intensely hot and humid. The good news was that the monsoon rains hadn’t caught up with…

  • Watsonian puts the Mod in modern cooking

    Watsonian puts the Mod in modern cooking



    We thought that we’d seen it all, but this is new to us – a Watsonian scooter sidecar to bring Asian street food to the UK public.  Cornish chef Adrian Jones travelled extensively in Asia over the past six years and was inspired to bring the flavours of freshly-cooked street food to the British public.…

  • VIDEO: World War II despatch rider TRAINING. How to ride and maintain a Norton 16H.

    VIDEO: World War II despatch rider TRAINING. How to ride and maintain a Norton 16H.



    A film has been unearthed which explains everything World War II despatch riders needed to know about the Norton 16H – from how to ride to maintenance in the field. There’s some glorious stuff tucked away around on the internet, and the latest thing to catch our eye is a 90 minute motorcycle training film…

  • The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Two

    The Best Exotic Marigold Expedition – Day Two



    Delhirium If I’m honest, the first few hours in Delhi were a bit of a shock. I felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the city (the estimates vary, but the population without including the urban surroundings is close to 20 million), the intense heat, the chaotic traffic, the hoards of beggars and the fact that…

  • PATENT: Honda’s TELESCOPIC side stand.

    PATENT: Honda’s TELESCOPIC side stand.



    Honda’s thinking outside the box again, filing patents for a new telescopic side stand system which is made up of three sections that fit into each other. We all know how a motorcycle side stand works. It’s a tried and tested design that’s been unchanged for many years – and there’s a reason for that;…

  • FETTLING FRIDAY: How to undertake a MINOR SERVICE for your bike. Episode FOUR.

    FETTLING FRIDAY: How to undertake a MINOR SERVICE for your bike. Episode FOUR.



    In the fourth episode of our new Basic Motorcycle Maintenance series our trusted mechanic Rob Bean shows you exactly what it takes to give you bike a minor service, taking you through the process step-by-step. If you’ve always fancied getting your hands dirty and giving your bike a service, but never had the confidence to…

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