Legal Q&A
Legal Q&A
Legal Q&A: IAM Instructor Vs Lorry – who was at fault?
Our specialist motoring solicitor Andrew Prendergast from White Dalton Motorcycle Solicitors guides our followers through their legal trials and troubles Q: I am an IAM instructor and have also done my ROSPA gold so I know how to ride and have great observational skills, even if I do say so myself. Two months ago I…
Legal Q&A – Police Biker takes a tumble..
Q My Mum and Dad were both in the Police and my sister and I have followed suit. I suppose it’s ‘in the blood’. Around three years ago, I qualified to join our area traffic section, specifically so I could ride the police motorbikes. You have to jump through quite a few hoops, but having…
Delivery driver with no insurance set to give court a pizza the action…
Another Q&A from MoreBikes legal column experts at White Dalton Solicitors… Q During lockdown I got made redundant, so I started doing food deliveries for my local takeaway. Unfortunately, I got a delivery of my own… a ticket from the Police. I and two other delivery riders got stopped just as we were heading…
Q&A: Pothole ‘off’ claim…
Q I am sure the roads built by the Romans were better! My local route to work has literally rattled my teeth due to the potholes. Last month I had to work late so had to head home in the dark. Usually I am pretty good at running the gauntlet of the craters dotted along…
Legal Q&A: Hire bike hell…
Question Twelve months ago, I was filtering between lanes two and three on the M25. A van just pulled out from lane three into two and took me out. I went down like a fat kid on a seesaw. Thankfully, I bounced pretty well and after six months my broken wrist has healed. Liability has…
Motorcycle legal advice: Can I ride my motorcycle in lockdown?
Our specialist motoring solicitor Andrew Prendergast is back to guide you through motorcycle legal advice, trials and insurance troubles.
Motorcycle legal advice: Will I be compensated or not?
Our specialist motoring solicitor Andrew Prendergast is back to guide you through motorcycle legal advice, trials and insurance troubles.
Motorcycle legal advice: Bike insurance confusion!
Our specialist motoring solicitor Andrew Prendergast is back to guide you through motorcycle legal trials and insurance troubles.
Motorcycle legal advice: Don’t believe everything you read online
Our specialist motoring solicitor Andrew Prendergast is back to guide you through motorcycle legal trials and troubles. ‘My insurance record now trashed’ Q: I have always fancied a scooter to re-live my ‘yoof’ and at the ripe old age of 63 I bought a Vespa GTS 300. I joined a local bike group and…