Back Street Heroes
Back Street Heroes
Back Street Heroes is the UK’s biggest-selling and best custom bike magazine. We cover all styles of custom bikes and the custom biker lifestyle. Subscribe here.
What we wear: ‘Leather Leg Bag’ from Roadskin
Sometimes, I don’t want to carry a rucksack, but I will always want my specs, wallet, phone and keys with me. Stuffing the pockets of my jacket and jeans on the bike isn’t always ideal, so I was very happy to try out the leather leg bag from the folks at Roadskin. The Roadskin motorcycle…
What we wear: ‘Easyrider’ short motorcycle gloves from Roadskin
Initially designed for Special Forces use, the Roadskin Easyrider CE Approved Level 1 Glove has since been fully adapted as a motorcycle glove.So, what’s the marriage of Special Forces Gloves and Motorcycle Gloves actually like? There’s clearly a need for comfort and a huge demand for safety, whether you’re battering down doors or getting some…
Cost-Effective Classics: Kawasaki VN900
“If you fancy a change from the vanilla side of biking then a Metric Cruiser like the VN900 is probably one of the best places to start.” WORDS: Steve Cooper PHOTOS: Mortons Archive Not everyone wants or needs out-and out-speed. For many sports bikes are simply too much and, if you’re not into transcontinental stuff,…
New Back Street Heroes merchandise now available
If you never miss an issue of Back Street Heroes, check out our updated merchandise now on offer.
September Issue
Take a look at the best custom bikes of old in the September issue of Back Street Heroes!
Tour with Steve Berry!
Steve Berry, well-known biking enthusiast, journalist, and former presenter of Top Gear, has partnered with Classic Grand Touring to create a new adventure business called Berry’s Bike Adventures.
The Back Street Heroes Custom Championship final to park up at Stafford!
The final of the nationally renowned BSH Custom Championships has a new home! The long-standing motorcycling competition, hosted by the original custom bike magazine, Back Street Heroes, will now take centre stage at the Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show, held at Stafford Showground over the weekend of October 14-15, 2023.
Unique custom bike show in Poland
Karpacz Custom Bike Show 2023 will be held next month in Poland as part of Polish Bike Week.
August Issue
Take a look at the best custom bikes of old in the August issue of Back Street Heroes!
Back, in black
For as long as I can remember, everything was governed by bikes; where I went, who I knew, what I did. I’d chosen to live a life completely submerged beneath the water of two wheels. Quite literally, bikes were life and then, one day, they weren’t…