MedicAlert and Biker Down have joined forces to create a new helmet tag, making it easier for first responders and emergency services staff to get their hands on a rider’s medical information should the worst happen and they’re involved in an accident.

The MedicAlert Foundation is a UK charity which provides a full medical ID service. With medical checks to ensure accurate details, your records are kept safe and made available in an emergency via a 24/7 hotline. Members wear medical ID jewellery containing vital information and the hotline number. However, in the case of a biker injury the jewellery may be hidden under heavy clothing – and that’s why MedicAlert has joined forces with Biker Down to release a new helmet tag.
The helmet tags are essentially small plastic pouches which attach to the side of a helmet – and can be torn open when needed, to release a piece of paper which contains a riders medical information. The clever solution helps first responders to ensure the injured biker is treated according to their specific needs.
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MedicAlert are offering the helmet tags for free, for riders who join up to MedicAlert – and you can also get a £5 discount on membership (using code BD5). And for any riders who do not require the services of MedicAlert, the helmet tags are available for the price of a stamp addressed envelope.
For more information, visit:
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