At the this weekend’s annual Bonhams Spring Sale, a 1962 Triumph 649cc TR6SS ridden by Bud Ekins, sold for a world record auction price of £97,750 – over three times its top estimate.

The original Trophy model helped Ekins win a gold medal in the 1962 International Six Days Trial. The American bike racer who performed the famous jump as stunt-double for Steve McQueen in The Great Escape, was one of the star lots of this weekend’s Bonhams Spring Stafford Sale.

Another record-breaker this weekend was a 1925 Coventry Eagle 981cc Flying-8, which achieved an impressive £218,500 – and a third world record was set for a 1935 Vincent-HRD 498cc Series-A Comet which sold for £97,750. The rare Series-A, one of only a few ‘intermediate sump’ types, was totally restored in 2015 by famed Vincent-HRD restorer Glyn Johnson and has been on display ever since.
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The performance of this top-selling trio went towards an auction total of £3,892,397 – which is an all-time record sale for Bonhams Collectors’ Motorcycle Department. James Stensel, Head of Bonhams Collectors’ Motorcycles, said: “What an incredible weekend! We are thrilled with the results of this sale, not only breaking our own auction record but also achieving three world auction records for individual marques and models.
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