StoreDot, an Israeli start-up company, has demonstrated a new fast-charging device that can recharge a smartphone from almost flat to full capacity ‘in less time than it takes to boil a kettle’.
The BBC was shown the device at the annual CES Technology fair.
Using the new device does mean adopting a new type of battery that uses specially synthesised organic molecules. “We have reactions in the battery that are non-traditional reactions that allow us to charge very fast, moving ions from an anode to a cathode at a speed that was not possible before we had these materials” explains Doron Myersdorf, the company’s chief executive.
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StoreDot is in discussions with the automotive industry, and plans to adopt the technology for electric vehicles – charging at these rates would be a game-changer, removing the usual arguments about range and charge times. “We intend to show in one year a model of a car that can charge in three minutes” said Mr Myersdorf.

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