Street Bikes
Yard Built Heads to Turkey for a Tracker Style XSR700 by Bunker Custom Motorcycles
With spring well and truly underway Yamaha heads to Istanbul in Turkey to collaborate with a new member of the Yard Built family, Bunker Custom Motorcycles. Brothers, Can and Mert Uzer are not your typical custom bike builders. Can is a top level skateboarder with the Vans Turkey Skateboarding Team, while Mert recently gave…
German press shows this: Mega six-cylinder naked with six exhausts and K1600 engine… yeah…
OK, so this is a rumour – and from what we can gather from our German cousins on the excellent Motorrad magazine, there’s little to move this story on from that rather precarious position – but still, check this story out! What we have here is the illustration by Stefan Kraft that shows a massive…