
  • Get kitted up

    Get kitted up



    The difference between a bike being the best or worst thing ever is simply down to kit. Get it right and you’ll be warm, dry and safe, get it wrong and you’ll be miserable.

  • The bike buyer’s checklist

    The bike buyer’s checklist



    Take this with you when viewing a bike and get your most cynical mate to check it all off.

  • 7 amazing UK motorcycle routes you definitely need to try!

    7 amazing UK motorcycle routes you definitely need to try!



    We all have our favourite biking roads that we go back to time and time again. But if you fancy a bit of a change from your tried and tested routes, we have picked a few amazing rides that are absolutely worth a try!

  • Best biking roads in the Lake District: Video, maps and .gpx files

    Best biking roads in the Lake District: Video, maps and .gpx files



    The Lake District, with its quaint villages overlooking tranquil lakes in the shadow of spectacular fells, makes for a great riding location with plenty to offer on and off the bike.

  • How to buy a used 125

    How to buy a used 125



    We’ll start with a warning, but don’t let this put you off. Just let it make you aware.

  • Buying your first scooter

    Buying your first scooter



    Like most things, it all comes down to budget. And don’t forget, you need to have money left for a decent helmet, riding suit, gloves and boots too.

  • Buying your first bike

    Buying your first bike



    Now the fun begins. The money is sorted, you’ve gained your CBT, all you need is a bike.

  • CBT – The common mistakes

    CBT – The common mistakes



    Getting through your CBT is relatively straightforward and there is no fail – you just have to work to achieve a certain standard. These are the most common mistakes.

  • What the heck is CBT (and how do I get one?)

    What the heck is CBT (and how do I get one?)



    CBT stands for compulsory basic training. It’s the first step to getting a motorcycle license and, as the name implies, it is the basic stuff that any rider needs to know.

  • Learner’s guide to motorcycle insurance

    Learner’s guide to motorcycle insurance



    Right, so you’ve passed your CBT, bought some kit and found a bike you like – what’s left to do before you can ride on the road legally? That’s right. You’ve still got to sort some insurance.

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